Leica SP8 White Light Laser Confocal


Type Magnification Medium Numerical Aperture Working Distance (mm) Additional Features
PLAN APO 10x Air 0.4 2.56
25x Water 0.95 2.4
PLAN APO 40x Air 0.95 0.17 With correction ring
PLAN APO 63x Oil 1.4 0.14

Laser Lines: Diode 405; Argon 488; DPSS 561; HeNe 594, 633; White Light Laser


  • PMT (3)
  • Hybrid Detector (2)

Suggested Software: LAS X (Leica application suite)
The NINC Leica SP8 confocal microscope saves images in Leica’s .lif format. The .lif format is atypical in that many images are stored in one file. Exporting tiffs and jpegs from the Leica Application Suite (LASX) acquisition software is not recommended as this can cause loss of metadata (e.g. the physical scale of the image). Please download and install the Fiji versions of imagej. Fiji uses the Bio-Formats importer to work directly with .lif files.

Additional Notes:

  • Motorized stage

Metadata Instrument Identifier: ninc-leica-sp8
If you are annotating your data in preparation for data deposit or format conversion (to Neurodata without borders or other file type for long term preservation), please include the above identifier to indicate the data was taken with this instrument.

Serial Number: 8100000980

Citation Guidelines:
To describe the NINC Leica SP8 Microscope in your paper’s methods section please modify this example:

“Images were collected on a Leica SP8 Confocal Microscope equipped with a white light and conventional lasers. Fluorophores were excited with [list wavelengths here] and emission was collected in these [list wavelength ranges here] wavelength ranges with a <10, 25, 40, and/or 63X> objective lens.”


Wavelengths of excitation and wavelength ranges for emission are in the metadata of the .lif files from the Leica scope. Please contact Jeffrey LeDue (jledue@mail.ubc.ca) if you need help finding this information and tailoring the above statement.